We definitely had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend together here. My son came home from college last Wednesday evening and just left this morning. And my fater-in-law came for a visit from South Dakota on Thursday and he just left this morning also.
Thursday I must admit that I made the best turkey that I have ever made in my life! I brined the turkey, which I have never done before, and the flavor and moistness was like none I have had before. I will definitely be brining a turkey in the future and would recommend it highly!
After stuffing ourselves with turkey, sweet potatoes, and pie, I ventured out with my kids on Thursday night to Wal-Mart and we bought a wii. Boy is that a fun game and it sure is a workout! So I told my daughter that when we have a disagreement we can take our frustrations out through the wii game!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I am thankful for so many things including:
My family
My church
My home
My job, which so many are without
My bookclub friends
My blog and new blogging friends!
I am also thankful for winning a copy of Testimony from Redlady's Reading Room.
Well I am off to get some laundry done so I am ready for the week ahead. Try to get a little bit more reading in today, even though all my favorite shows are on tonight!