Monday, August 12, 2013

What Are You Reading?

Sheila over at Book Journey hosts this meme that gives you the opportunity to share the books that you have been losing yourself in lately and also the ones that you are looking forward to picking up next.

I finished:
I have never read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald so I figured it was about time.  I did enjoy this classic and may post my review this week.  Now I am ready to see the movie!

What I'm Reading Now:
I decided to read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski as this is our summer book club pick.  This is a longer novel and I have been savoring every page as I've only been able to read during my lunch-hour.  This novel takes place in the area where I live so I'm really enjoying the familiarity it has to offer.

What's next:
I think the next audiobook I listen to will be The Third Son by Julie Wu.  It seems like this will be one to give me a good glimpse into another culture.

Have a great week of reading everyone!


bermudaonion said...

A friend of mine started Edgar Sawtelle and couldn't finish it so I dismissed it. Since then, I've heard some great things about it. I'll be watching to see how you like it in the end.

Bookish said...

Some good books there, I started Edgar Sawtelle but took me a couple of goes before I could finish it.

Happy reading this week :)