Monday, March 3, 2014

What Are You Reading?

Sheila over at Book Journey hosts this meme that gives you the opportunity to share the books that you have been losing yourself in lately and also the ones that you are looking forward to picking up next.

I finished:
Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand is an audiobook that has been on my bookshelf for the last year, so in an attempt to not think about winter for awhile, I decided to listen to this one.  I enjoyed it, but it sure was sad.  You will have to watch for my review soon.

What I'm reading now:
I had to set aside the other book I started because book club meets this week and we are reading The Double Comfort Safari Club by Alexander McCall Smith. Oh, how I enjoy these novels!

What's next:
I hope to get back to The Funeral Dress by Susan Gregg Gilmore.  This is the one I had to set aside and I sure was enjoying this one too!

So what kind of books have been keeping you up at night?


bermudaonion said...

The Funeral Dress was really good but so is Alexander McCall Smith. I just started Savage Harvest and, so far, it's pretty brutal.

Marg said...

I am about to read Morality for Beautiful Girls. I do so enjoy the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books!