Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday-Feb. 27

Bermudaonion asks you to share new words that you have learned during your reading adventures in the last week. Feel free to join in the fun!

Here is a new word that I learned while reading Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos:

Elucidate:   to make lucid or clear.

Here is how elucidate was used on page 86:
"It probably has to do with the way they're shaped or the way they're set or something."
"I'm sure he brushes.  Of course, he does."

I actually have a relaxing week that isn't requiring me to spend my evenings running here and there.  One would think I could get some reading done during this time, but it appears that movies and knitting have taken over my free nights lately!  I'm hoping to finish a knitting project that I started almost a year ago!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I should be able to remember the meaning since lucid is in the word!