Here is what came to my house:
In Sunlight and in Shadow by Marki Helprin(audiobook)
When I requested In Sunlight and in Shadow, I didn't realize how long of an audiobook this is. At 24 discs this will be the longest one I've listened to yet!
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. ~Francis Bacon
I scored 21% grit, 19% wit, 38% flair, and 38% class!
This books looks the cover.
Silver's Reviews
wow, that is a long audio book. I use to enjoy listening to audio books when I did more driving but now that I work from home, I find I can usually read them faster than spending the time listening to them. I can't concentrate on work when I try to listen to a book at the same time. I hope you enjoy it!
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