Yes, that dreaded day of the year has come along for me! Today I can no longer say that I am just 40, as I am now in the above 40 category! I am officially 41 years old today and I do not feel a bit dreadful at all about it! A very good and wise friend of mine says the following about birthdays "It's better than the alternative!" How right you are Cheryl, and thank you for those words of wisdom.
I must admit that I really no longer have that fear of "another birthday". I just want to share a little bit of how I seemed to be able to gain a better perception and acceptance of birthdays. Five years ago on my 36th birthday, I happened to realize that my mom was 36 when she passed away. The day my mom turned 36 years old, already a widow and two kids at home, she knew she didn't have much time left in this world. Just a couple of months later she passed away.
Many of you also remember that my 32 year old sister passed away earlier this year, also leaving two young children at home. Luckily they do have their father to take care of them. I didn't bring this up to sound depressing in any way, but more as a way to express my gratitude and praise God for being able to live the life that I have lived so far. I am sad to not be able to make more memories with my mom and sister, but I am so happy to reflect on the times that we did share together. Fortunately I do have my Grandma here with me yet, as she will be turning 87 years old next month. So I think I have inherited her genes and if I am lucky I will be able to live as long and colorful as a life as she has.
So to celebrate I am going out to lunch with my co-workers today, which I have deemed as a "lava lunch". If you are wondering what lava lunch is, it means that I will have maybe a small salad for a meal and indulge in a molten chocolate lava cake for dessert! Yummy. For dinner this evening my husband will be taking me to my favorite Mexican restaurant so I can consume my birthday margarita. More yummy!
Speaking of margarita's...I know that many of you read Beach Trip by Cathy Holton. I just loved this book and you can see my review here. The ladies in this book whipped together a drink that was called a Margarona. Although this recipe seemed a bit strong for my taste, my friend Miranda shared a similar recipe that I thoroughly enjoyed! I wanted to share it with you so here it is:
Miranda's Margarona's
1 bottle of Corona
1 can of sprite, 7Up whatever
6 oz of tequila
1 can of frozen Raspberry Lemonade, Lemonade, Limeade etc…
Mix and serve over ice
These are just amazing on a hot day--especially if you are relaxing at the lake with your girlfriends. My personal favorite is with the raspberry lemonade but they are all tasty! Thanks for revealing this recipe to me Miranda!
Every day that I receive with my friends and family is all the gifts that I need. But I still hope I get that squirrel-proof bird feeder! lol
If you feel like helping me celebrate this special day, feel free to indulge in one of Miranda's Margarona's!