Friday, October 12, 2012

Books That Make Me Go....Ahhhh

Every Friday I plan to post a notable excerpt from either a book I am currently reading or have read in the past.  These gems that catch my eye deserve much more notoriety besides being written down on a little sticky note in the front of the novel.

The following excerpt from A Hundred Flowers by Gail Tsukiyama was a feast for my senses so I couldn't help but share it:
His ba ba once told him that if he paid attention, he could actually smell, even taste the seasons.  He had begun to notice that the powerful scent of the kapok flower meant it was late March, or the sweet sticky taste of magoes and pineapples which came in the fall, while the worst part of summer brought the stinky smell of the durian fruit, which made him gag just to think of it.  Next month in November there would be the orangey citrus scents of winter, followed by Chinese New Year in January or February.

Kindle location 1169 of 2677

***Please note that this is from an Advanced Reading Copy so the final printing may change.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

That book looks and sounds fabulous to me.