Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday-March 14

Bermudaonion asks you to share new words that you have learned during your reading adventures in the last week. Feel free to join in the fun!

Here are a couple of words that I learned while reading Clair de Lune by Jetta Carleton:

Aphasia:   Partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from brain damage due to injury or disease.

Here is how aphasia was used at location 450 of 2687:
She was having a jolly time with a freckled freshman when the coach cut in and put her in such a dither she went into instant aphasia.

Folderol:  wasted effort; nonsense.

Here is how folderol was used at location 586 of 2687:
It may be Souder who wants Greek and Latin like he had back east, but it's Frawley who's pushing for 'em, along with the music and art and all that folderol.

Bumbershoot:  an umbrella.

Here is how bumbershoot was used at location 831 of 2687:
"Take your bumbershoots, everybody, it's going to rain."

 I don't know about you, but I could have been using my bumbershoot this week!  I can tell you that with all these new words I sure appreciate reading this book on my Kindle as I don't have to write it down and look it up later.


bermudaonion said...

I knew bumbershoot! I think it's British, but it's so much fun!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I relaly like bumbershoot!

Louise said...

I knew your first two, and have a feeling that someone might have used bumbershoot in a WWW post before, but I'd forgotten it.