Well I hope you all are having a fabulous Christmas weekend! I know that we sure are! This is really the first chance that I have even had to check my blog since Wednesday. Among all of the fabulous gifts that I received from my family yesterday, was also a gift from the Book Blogger Holiday Swap. I was lucky enough to receive some delicious chocolates and a copy of Freedom from Nonsuch Book. So Thank You Frances...this is actually the only book that I received as a gift this year!
About a week ago Red-Headed Book Child tagged me in a fun holiday meme that has you share some of your favorite parts of Christmas. Well since Christmas is my most absolute favorite holiday I couldn't pass this one up.
So here we go:
When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays?
When I hear Christmas music almost everywhere I go.
What do you want for Christmas this year?
I actually had a few things on my list. I already have some Fiesta Ware Dinner settings so I really wanted to get some serving pieces to go along with that set. (check...got that!)
I also asked for a nice cable knit sweater. (check...got that too!)
Do you go all out with decorations?
My Christmas decorations consist mostly of items placed within my home. I don't think I go overboard, but I do like enough things around that say...this family really enjoys Christmas!
What are you doing Christmas Eve?
We don't usually plan much for Christmas Eve because we don't have much family to celebrate with that live close to us. So we usually go to church and then go home and make something easy for dinner. This year after church we had frozen chicken kiev and instant mashed potatoes and it was delicious! We all also open one gift later in the evening.
What are you doing Christmas Day?
Upon waking up on Christmas morning the first thing we do is raid our stockings! I put an egg bake in the oven so by the time we are done opening our gifts our breakfast is usually ready. After that we just kind of take it easy for the rest of the day, maybe watch movies, read, play with our new things, but definitely nothing demanding!
It's Christmas time. What are you reading?
I am actually still trying to finish reading The Swimming Pool for the What's in a Name Challenge, but after that I will need to quickly read Comfort and Joy by Kristin Hannah. This is our book club selection that I will need to have read by next Wednesday.
Favorite movie to watch during the holidays?
Definitely A Christmas Story! This movie amazes me every time I watch it and I was shocked to find out one of the gals I work with has never watched it, or even heard of it!
Favorite Christmas song?
White Christmas by Bing Crosby, but now Oh, Holy Night by Josh Groban is a close second!
Favorite holiday drink?
There is actually a Christmas Wine from Door County that I have always enjoyed, but for some reason I didn't pick any up this year. I will probably have to do that before New Year's.
How is your Christmas shopping going?
This went well for me and I wasn't rushing at the last minute this year!
If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it?
Hmmm...this is a tough one and I would say as long as my family is with me I don't really care where I am!
Any holiday traditions?
We do open one present on Christmas Eve and over the last few years we started having lasagnae for our Christmas Day dinner. We all are loving this tradition because we get a great meal that I actually prepared a day or two in advance so there is limited time in the kitchen on Christmas Day.
Favorite thing about the Holidays.
Everything! As long as we remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. I love the food, the treats and candies, both giving and receiving gifts, and just spending some down time with the family. I don't have to go back to work until Thursday and I am going to savor every moment!
Well that's it for me, if you feel like sharing your favorite things about Christmas consider yourself tagged! Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
Thank you so much for participating!
I'm glad you had such a wonderful Christmas! May your New Year be full of books. :)
Merry Christmas!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! Hope your New Year is just as great!
Merry Christmas! I received April and Oliver. Thanks so much! Stay warm!
Glad to hear that you had a nice Christmas with your family! I'll look forward to your review on Freedom, I tried to read it, not my cup of tea:)
Glad you had a merry Christmas. I am one of those few, select few that has never seen A Christmas Story!
Your Christmas Eve & Day sounds wonderfully relaxing! I adore A Christmas Story too & look forward to watching it every year!
It's wonderful you received the gifts you wished for & some additional goodies.
~ Amy
Happy Holidays!! Christmas came and went quickly. Now we have the New Year to celebrate. Here's to a wonderful 2011!!
Wow, it is so good to know a little more about your Christmas! I hope you had a fun, relaxing time with family.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you all the best in the new year!
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